Well this is my second attempt at joining the world of Blog. I guess that I am being assimilated. My first try was last year when I directed the play Godspell. I was pretty committed to it...well at least for the first two weeks but as things got hectic, it drifted from my mind. You know the old saying; "Out of sight, out of mind". Let's see if this time around I can make it through a month.
There are two blog writers that I really respect: Fr. Tom Dowd http://www.fatherdowd.net/blog/ who's claim to fame is being the very first Canadian Priest in the Roman Catholic Church to blog and Adam Coombs http://www.coombs-tory.blogspot.com/ who is the president of the Carleton University Debating Society. If you get a chance please check these out. You will find them informative.
I wonder if I am the first Director of Youth Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church in Canada to have a blog? This is certainly not as exciting as being the first priest.
Now onto the randomness. Two things come to mind this morning. The first is one that frustrates me. Some of you might know that the Carleton University Students Association recently passed a motion that limits funding, space and recognition to groups that seeks to limit or remove a women's right to abortion. Yes, this frustrates me but it is not my main point. In an article published about the debate surrounding the motion, one supporter of abortion stated that a fetus cannot be viewed as a real person because it cannot live on its own. It is dependant on others to feed it and take care of it. I would like the person making this comment to find me any person in the world that is not dependant on others. Perhaps they would counter stating that there is a difference because a fetus is totally dependant whereas people (out of the womb) are only dependant on at certain times.
What about someone who suffers from a heart attack? They need to be fed through tubes and could be on oxygen and various machines keeping their heart going. It may be only for a few days but they are totally dependant on others. Should we pull the plug on this person and let them die if they are only dependant for 2 days? Should be pull the plug on a fetus who is dependant for nine months? What about a baby just out of the womb? Anyhow, I think that this is enough of a rave on the topic. I can see that our battle is to educate.
Now over to nicer thoughts. As mentioned earlier, I had the pleasure of directing the play Godspell back in May. If you haven't seen the play here is a wikipedia link to find out about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godspell
I have a confession to make. I am a shower singer. I love to sing in the shower! Yesterday, I was singing some of the tunes from Godspell and a flood (there is a pun there) of memories came back from the show. I thought about the awesome singing and dancing and I thought about some of the moments which we out extra emphasis on. There is a scene where Jesus slaps Judas. We had heard of other productions where they faked a slap; where Jesus would just miss Judas' face and someone behind could clap their hands. This wouldn't do. We needed the pure emotion of a slap to get the seriousness of the scene across to the audience. We used a stage slap which is a little less painful then a real slap and it worked wonderfully.
The other scene which came to mind was during the beatitudes when Jesus has his arms outstretched similar to how he has then when he is crucified. It was a foreshadowing. I don't know if the audience picked up on these things but it was the consistency and the attention to detail which stands out in my mind.
"Day by Day"